Accept The Sacrifice (3 Pt)


Accept The Sacrifice (3 Pt)

from $20.00

Right before Jesus Christ died on the cross He said, “It is FINISHED,” not “to be continued!” Everything that needed to be accomplished for our salvation was completed. “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus!” He took all of the handwriting or judgments that were against us and nailed them to the cross. Through His death, burial and resurrection, He completely eradicated and paid the penalty for sin. He opened up the way for an intimate, powerful, victorious relationship with Him. 


He saved to “the uttermost” those who come to God through Him. He paid the total price for our total salvation. However, we must personally understand, believe, and “Accept the Sacrifice!” We must apply the benefits of the cross to each area of our life. Nothing was left undone. He “gave us all things pertaining to this life and Godliness!”  


The answer and deliverance from sin, sickness, addiction, fear, depression, etc., is all found in the cleansing blood-covenant of Jesus Christ. Join Rev. Louada Raschke in an in-depth look at the greatest sacrifice of all time and how it can empower us each and every day! 

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