Face The Whirlwind (5 Pt )

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Face The Whirlwind (5 Pt )

from $30.00

In Ezekiel Ch 1 the nation of Israel was in slavery and
needed to be rescued by God.  Everything around them seemed impossible but even in that impossible situation, God sent a RIGHT NOW WORD for His people.  He sent a vision and a strategy in the midst of a Whirlwind
of Chaos.  What kind of whirlwind are you facing in your life?  What is it that you need from the Lord right now to overcome your situation?  Nothing is impossible with God.  He can send the Word you need and the help you need right now.  He has also already equipped you to move HEAD ON into whatever you face.  You may need the encouragement and power to overcome like that of the Jesus who relates to you in every battle you face; you may need majesty, praise and strength like that of the Lion of Judah; you may need determination, strength and power like that of the Ox; you might need justice or the ability to soar like the Eagle.  No matter who you are or what you’ve been facing, He can show you just how to “Face The Whirlwind” and give you victory.

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