When The Storm Comes (1 PT)


When The Storm Comes (1 PT)

from $10.00

A strong foundation is critical when a storm comes! Storms come into every life. Fierce winds blow, the rain comes down, but we will continue to stand when our life is built upon the solid Rock, the Lord Jesus Christ! He is our unshakeable, immovable foundation. By hearing and doing the words of Christ and applying to our lives what He did at Calvary, we can withstand any storm!

Be encouraged as Louada shares how the Lord has been her Rock & strong foundation in the midst of the storm of cancer and chemo. The Lord whispered to her “I will be with you no matter what you walk through, I will be with you” right before the cancer was found. That encouraged and strengthened her to walk through every treatment and every day. The Spirit of the Lord revealed to her the hidden harvest field and opportunities to minister to others that she had in the midst of the storm. What Satan meant for harm in her life God has turned for her good and His glory! He can do the same for you!!!

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